The two main types of antennas are directional and omnidirectional. In this section you will learn the difference between the two types and look at some of the antennas that Cisco offers. Both send the same amount of energy; the difference is in how the beam is focused. To understand this, imagine that you have a flashlight. By twisting the head of the light, you can make the beam focus in a specific area. When the beam has a wider fo- cus, it doesn’t appear to be as bright. While you twist the head of the light, you never change its output. The batteries are the same. The power is the same. The light is the same. You simply focus it in different ways. The same goes for wireless antennas. When you look at a directional antenna, it appears to be a stronger signal in one direction, but it’s still emitting the same amount of energy. To increase power in a particular direction, you add gain.
The angles of coverage are fixed with each antenna. When you buy high-gain antennas, it is usually to focus a beam.
Omnidirectional Antennas
There are two ways to determine the coverage area of an antenna. The first is to place the AP in a location and walk around with a client recording the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). This could take a really long time. The sec- ond method is a little easier. In fact, the manufacturer does it for you. Figures 5-3 and 5-4 show different views of the wireless signal. Figure 5-3 shows how the wireless signal might propagate if you were standing above it and looking down on the antenna.
This is called the horizontal plane (H-plane) or azimuth. When you look at an omnidi-rectional antenna from the top (H-plane), you should see that it propagates evenly in a 360-degree pattern.
The vertical pattern does not propagate evenly, though. Figure 5-4 shows the elevation plane (E-plane). This is how the signal might propagate in a vertical pattern, or from top to bottom. As you can see, it’s not a perfect 360 degrees. This is actually by design. It’s what is known as the “one floor” concept. The idea is that the signal propagates wider from side to side than it does from top to bottom so that it can offer coverage to the floor it is placed on rather than to the floor above or below the AP.
Another way to look at this is to imagine an AP, as shown in Figure 5-5. If you draw in the H-plane and E-plane, you can relate the signal to each plane.
Now that you have a better understanding of how to determine the propagation patterns of an antenna, let’s look at some antennas.
2.2-dBi Dipole
The 2.2-dBi dipole,orrubberduck,showninFigure5-6,ismostoftenseenindoorsbe- cause it is a very weak antenna. In fact, it’s actually designed for a client or AP that doesn’t cover a large area. Its radiation pattern resembles a doughnut, because vertically it doesn’t propagate much. Instead, it’s designed to propagate on the H-plane. The term dipole may be new to you. The dipole antenna was developed by Heinrich Rudolph Hertz and is con- sidered the simplest type of antenna. Dipoles have a doughnut-shaped radiation pattern. Many times, an antenna is compared to an isotropic radiator. An isotropic radiator assumes that the signal is propagated evenly in all directions. This would be a perfect 360- degree sphere in all directions, on the H and E planes. The 2.2-dBi dipole antenna doesn’t work this way; rather, it has a doughnut shape.
The AIR-ANT1728, shown in Figure 5-7, is a ceiling-mounted omnidirectional antenna op- erating at 5.2 dBi.
You would use this when a 2.14-dBi dipole doesn’t provide adequate coverage for an area. This antenna has more gain, thus increasing the H-plane, as shown in Figure 5-8.
The easiest way to express the effect of adding gain—in this case, 5.2 dBi versus 2.2 dBi— is to imagine squeezing a balloon from the top and the bottom, as shown in Figure 5-9.
The squeezing represents the addition of gain. The H-plane widens and the E-plane short- ens, as shown in Figure 5-10.
Table 5-2 details the statistics of the AIR-ANT1728.
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